Friday, August 22, 2014

Back to school

The Fall Term for Sacramento Area colleges are as follows:
LRCCD (ARC, CRC, FLC, SCC): August 23
Sierra: August 25
CSUS: September 2
UCD: September 28

Charles Linzie

Monday, August 11, 2014

If Jesus lead the Church...

On August 10, 2014, Keith Davis of the Sacramento Metro church of Christ preached a provocative sermon about Christ and our commitment to His Church.  The lesson is not merely a reminder of who we are in Christ, but a challenge to the congregation that if Jesus led the church (which He does),how would we react.

The key Scripture reference is Luke 14:25-33, when Jesus called His disciples.  He warns that one must count the cost to follow Him and put his or her love for Him above all else.  This means that if we are to be His followers, we must surrender to Jesus.  To put this plainly, we must remain focused on the mission to seek the save the lost, follow biblical standards of purity (Ephesians 5:3, I Timothy 5:1-2), and sharpen each other through the Scriptures.  It comes down to an uncompromising faith in Christ and being the salt and light of the earth.  After all, a church with people who are lacking in commitment id unacceptable.

With this in mind, all of us as Christ's followers must adhere to Jesus'  Headship in order to effectively bring people to a knowledge of the Truth.  To God be the glory!

Charles Linzie